
Solitude’s handshake grips tightly

The hint of salt on my lips reminds me of yesterday’s cringe

Small meaningless moments, for them, not for me

Replayed thoughts caught in a loop, round and round, they continue to turn


Unseen ravens, perched upon my shoulder

Aimless walks, through canyons of speculation and made up truths

Unable to find protection from the rain, alpacas falling from the sky

I put on my headphones, hoping to stop the world


A Mosaic of Random Moments

Apricot colored rose pedals, hidden among fallen leaves

Staring at red walls, losing count of bricks, only to begin again

The sound of fountain water, finding freedom, whistling in the air

A sleeping shadow, slowly places an arm around my shoulder as the sun’s arc begins it’s descent

Searching for answers, a wise man’s eyes, watches and waits

Footprints in the sand, erased by the incoming tide, my walk continues without a guiding hand

A mosaic of random moments, pieces perfectly fit together, viewed from a distance, a portrait of me


Ashen feet, walking through door frames

Searching for box cars, leading elsewhere

Rear view mirrors tucked away, just for now

Waiting for heaven and dreams to collide


Rooftop confessions, good only at midnight

Burning lungs, with each breath

Voices of the past return as echoes

Only heard when alone


Leaving behind, walking forward

Burdens, left by the roadside

Tattooed moments etched inside of me

Never to be erased, everywhere I go

Peace and Slumber

Chipped paint on weathered signs

A reminder of abandoned houses filled with yesterday’s voices

An aged man softly runs his fingers across his cheek

Searching for memories that were once there


Black birds fly overhead, singing soft lullabies

Waiting for falling eyelids and the sound of deep breaths

Sleep never comes easily

Even when darkness sits at the doorstep


Rustling trees heard through closed windows

Falling leaves find small whirlwinds

A dance with forgiveness

Searching for peace to let slumber in